

1. 存货英语怎么说?

 库存的概念 库存(Inventory)是指企业在生产经营过程中为现在和将来的耗用或者销售 而储备的资源,包括原材料、在途物资、在产品、半成品、产成品等。
 How many stock do you have now?
 no stock 或者 out of stock
 Perpetual inventory system is in the final by physical, to determine the inventory quantity, and to calculate the cost of ending inventory and the emitted an inventory system inventory cost.
 Usually only the registration for purchase or ine inventory, no registration is issued,the final determination by physical existence number, using the method of InvertedExtrusion, rolling and calculate the number of issued stock.
 Don't need daily record numbers of stock issued and balances, accounting work is simple, *** all workload.
 Can not always reflect the inventory and the inventory carrying cost issue, rolling downthe sales or production cost position is plex, in addition to the normal sales or production, inventory loss may be implied, such as shortage of non normal factors, and therefore not easy to control and supervision of the inventory, affect the accuracy of costing.
 The perpetual inventory system is by setting the inventory ledger, the transaction or theregistration number of daily ine, a few, and can calculate an inventory system tobalance number.
 The inventory ledger set according to specifications; in a subsidiary ledger, except the registration, admission, the inventory amount, usually have the registered amount.
 In the inventory ledger, can reflect every stock ine, issued and balances, dualcontrol and can make the number and amount; inventory amount of itemized account,can be checked with the actual inventory number, such as the occurrence of inventory......
 this item is out of stock .或是这样讲,as the goods are not in stock . 都可以然后加上是因为什么原因或是正在生产订货,都可以,希望对你有帮助!
 i am afraid we have not enough goods on hand.
 inventory in transit
 stor处ge clearance
 你是想说清仓处理或者甩卖就是storage clearace sale
  问题库存 英语怎么说  
 问题库存problemic stocks
 库存有问题产品 problematic products in stock
  有库存 用英语怎么说?  
 in stock


2. 存货的内容的英文怎么说

存货的内容的英文:content of inventory
content是什么意思:n. 内容;容量;目录;满足v. 使满足adj. 满足的,满意的No man is content人心不知足Content is happiness知足常乐No man is content with his lot无人满意自身的命运和境遇This, to me, makes great content.这给了我很大的满足。 We must demolish this contention. 我们一定要彻底驳倒这种言论。inventory是什么意思:n. 清单;存货,库存v. 为...开列存货清单They held a sale to reduce their inventory.他们降价出售库存货物。Physical inventory at fixed periods must be taken under either perpetual inventory system or periodic inventory system.无论是采用永续盘存制还是定期盘存制都需要对实物进行定期盘点。I'll check off all the items in the inventory.我将核查清单上的各个项目。 The store inventories its stock once a month.该商店每月盘点一次存货。He got a book that inventories the uses of the infinitives.他得到一本总结了不定式用法的书。

3. 库存数用英文怎么说

stock。stock作不及物动词时意思有库存、囤货等;stock作名词、动词、形容词,作名词时意思是股份、股票、库存、血统等;stock作及物动词时意思是进货、备有、装把手于XXX等。stock相关的例句有:Do you have anything like this in your stock ?你们库存中有象这样的东西吗?Please let me know if you have all of these in stock;如果你有这些所有的股票请让我知道。


4. 大量库存的英文

 A lot of people built up large inventories of oil during the run - up and these are now being worked off  很多人在油价急剧上涨中堆积了 大量库存 ,现在正在努力清货。 
  How to make both ends meet just - in - time without keeping a huge inventory would be a challenge to hong kong s traders  如何在这两方面做到及时回应而不必保持 大量库存 ,是对香港贸易商的一大挑战。 
  Some panies give 22 such days , on top of normal paid hopday ; vast stocks of these have built up over the years  一些公司这样的休假长达22天,除了正常的带薪假期外;这种休假的 大量库存 是多年慢慢累积起来的。 
  You will have herb fresh at all times , there is no worry of mass storage through the winter and spring , it requires less space , and once estabpshed , requires only minimal attention every week to keep it producing at optimal levels  你将总是有新鲜的草药,也不需要去担心冬天和春天时 大量库存 的问题,它需要较少的空间,而且一旦建成了,它只需要每个礼拜一次的照顾来保证产量最佳化。 
  Through years of developmeng , we have about 200excellent personnel in specific field : abundant experient superb professional technique and perfact system . the large output 、 guarantor quapty and low price at our panys characteristic . we usually have a large stock of goods  我们拥有丰富的经验和先进的技术,制度完善,产量大,产品质量符合国际标准,交货及时,价格低而且常备 大量库存 。 