

1. 流利说英语level4相当于几级



2. 英语流利说level3能过3级吗?


3. 英语流利说Level4到Level7,能力提升了?

 Level5~Level6的学习,难度逐渐增加,单元考试新增 句子填空 ,这个 培养你的速记能力 ,还有 阅读文章回答问题,培养阅读能力 。
 总结:半年的英语学习,我感觉能力上应该是有提升,但是不明显,口语似乎没什么提升。 英语流利说 对学习英语来说, 练习听力很棒 ,很符合硬试考试,比如一个句子会让你复述,复述不出来,会把句子拆分了教你,做的挺不错的。但是对于职场人员,像我,特别希望自己的 口语 能说的很地道,这方面就 比较欠缺 。网上有很多英语学习软件,我加了 中国日报 的英语学习群,在 喜马拉雅 听英语,有每日的新闻,既能了解 时事新闻,又能拓展词汇,阅读能力, 还能练 听力 ,感觉挺不错的。还有一个软件 可可英语 ,可以 跟读文章 ,也就是很流行的“影子训练”,很不错,每篇文章不进行训练,都很难在速度上匹配原声。


4. 流利说level3-unit1-part3

   Paul is a very successful businessman.   He owns several restaurants.   All of them are doing well.   In fact, they are very profitable.   To be profitable means that their income is more than their expenses.
     Q:What does Paul own?       A:several restaurants  
     Q:How are his restaurants doing?       A:All of them are doing well.  
   Paul wants to buy a new car.   He's trying to decide which car to buy.   He has plenty of money.   As a result, he isn't worried about the cost.   He can afford an expensive car.   As a result is the same as saying so.
     Q:Why isn't he worried about the cost?       A:He has a plenty of money.  
   On the other hand, he doesn't want to waste money.   He wants a car he can rely on.   It has to be safe and reliable, especially in cold winter weather.   If car breaks down in bad weather, it can be very dangerous.
     Q:What kind of car does he want?       A:a safe, reliable car  
     Q:What can be very dangerous?       A:cold winter weather  
   Paul wants to help reduce pollution and smog.   He would like to buy a clean car, something good for the environment.   He's thinking about buying a Texla.   The Texla is an all electric car.   It uses batteries instead of gasoline.   There is no exhaust, so it doesn’t pollute the air.
     Q:What kind of car is a Texla?       A:It's a clean, electric car.  
   However, the car can’t go very far without recharging the battery.   To charge the battery, you can plug it into an electrical outlet.   Recharging the battery takes time.
     Q:What can't the car without recharging the battery?       A:go very far  
   One of Paul’s friends has one and is quite happy with it.   He says it’s reliable and well-engineered.   There are also several charging stations near Paul’s office.   So he isn’t worried about that.   The cost for charging the battery is low.   It’s less expensive than buying gasoline.   His wife, Kathy, also likes the idea of buying an electric car.   She likes the idea of driving a clean car.   So it makes sense.
     Q:What does one of Paul's friends have?       A:a Texla  
   Charging the battery is less expensive than paying for gasoline.   In the future, there may be driverless cars.   These may be very safe, but Paul doesn’t like them.   He enjoys driving.   He likes to be in control of his car.
     Q:Why does Paul doesn't like driverless cars?       A:He enjoys driving.  
   The man in the middle is the heaviest.   The man in the middle is heavier than the other two.   The woman on the left is smarter than the man on the right.   The man isn't as smart as the woman is.
   The woman is standing under a bridge.   The bridge is above the woman.   There is a bridge over the river.   The river is flowing beneath the bridge.   The water is flowing over a waterfall.   The waterfall is very high and beautiful.
   People need passports to travel internationally.   Without a passport, you can not leave your country or enter another country.   You need driver's license to drive a car.   It is against the law to drive without a driver's license.
   Many people use credit cards to buy things on credit.   When you have a credit card,you don't need to carry cash.
   Smartphones are very useful and can do many things.   You can use them to make phone calls, play games or go shopping on the internet.
   We need to buy tickets in order to take a train or watch a sports event.   You can often buy tickets online, and sometimes you can get a discount.
   Banks are where people can deposit or withdraw money.   You can also use online banking to pay bills, such as your credit bill.   Hotels are where travels can stay overnight,or for several days.   If you plan to stay at a hotel, you should make a reservation.   Restaurants are where people go to eat with friends or family.   There are many different kinds of restaurants, such as Indian, Italian, or Chinese restaurants.   Repair shops are where people go to fix things which are broken or not working right.   This repair shop fixes cars and can check to see if it is safe to drive.   Coffee shops are a favourite place to meet new people or take a break from the office.   They are usually less expensive than restaurants.
     Q:Where can you go to repair your car?       A:Repair shops  
     Q:Where do people go to fix things?       A:This repair shop fixes cars  
     Q:Where can travelers stay overnight?       A:Hotels are where travels can stay overnight,or for several days.  
   跟读:     1、Banks are where people can deposit or withdraw money.       2、You can also use online banking to pay bills.       3、If you plan to stay at a hotel, you should make a reservation.  
   朗读:     1、Repair shops are where people go to fix things which are broken or not working right.       2、Coffer shops are a favorate place to meet new people or take a break from the office.  
   I'm tired of going out to eat.   Let's eat at home tonight.   OK, are you going to cook?   No, it's too late and you know I'm not a good cook.   Let's order something.
     Q:Where are they going to eat?       A:They are going to eat at home.  
   What do you have in mind?   I was thinking about a nice big pizza.   Again? I had pizza last night, so please, no pizza.
     Q:What was he thinking about ordering?       A:He was thinking about ordering a pizza.  
   OK, no pizza.   Let's order Chinese food, OK?   Sweet and sour?   You always like sweet and sour.   I feel like eating something hot and spicy.   OK, you order something hot and spicy, and I order sweet and sour.   I don't want anything spicy.   My stomach doesn't feel good.   It's a bit upset.
     Q:What are they going to order instead of pizza?       A:some Chinese food  
     Q:Why doesn't he want something hot and spicy?       A:His stomach doesn't feel good.  
   OK, if you want sweet and sour then I'll have that too.   and I'll make us salad with lots of tomatoes.   How long will it take for the food to get here?   I don't know.   I'll call and find out.   Thanks, hopefully it won't take longer than an hour.   I'm getting hungry.
     Q:What do they finally decide to order?       A:They decide to order sweet and sour.  
   Hey, what did you do last night?   I took a long walk from my hotel.   You didn't get lost?   No, I didn't.   Where did you go? Any where interesting?   I walked to the river.   There were thousands of people there.   You went to the river?   How long did it take you to walk there?   It took around 20 minutes.   Did you see anything interesting?   I was really surprised by how many people were there.
     Q:How did she get to the river?       A:She walked to the river.  
     Q:What did she see at the river?       A:She saw thousands of people there.  
   Many of them were taking pictures and selfies.   Lots of selfies.   Do you take selfies?   Sure, don't you?   Sometimes, but my girlfriend takes a lot of selfies.   Then she shares them with her friends online.   I don't understand why people like to take so many pictures of themselves.   That's because you are old-fashioned.
     Q:Who takes a lot of selfies?       A:His girlfriend does.  
     Q:Why does his girlfriend put her selfies online?       A:She wants to share them with her friends.  
   Emm, I guess you're right.   There's too much social media for me.   When I go to a restaurant, I see many people looking at their smart phones.   They don't even look at the people they are with.   Times are changing, my friend. Whether you like it or not.   She took a long walk from the hotel.