

1. 什么是艺术市场?对我们有什么影响!和当今社会有点什么重大联系!如何面对!

艺术市场,请见百度百科。 http://baike.baidu.com/view/377705.htm 




所谓艺术市场便是艺术品的交易。艺术品的交易在市场上一般可概分为三大类——纯艺术(Fine Arts)、古董(Antiques)和收藏性艺术品(Art Collectibles)。纯艺术主要包括绘画、雕塑、装置和摄影;古董则以陶瓷、家具和古玩为主;而收藏性艺术品的项目便多而杂,举凡玩具、古钱、邮票、旧海报等,只要有一定的流通量,且有人买卖,都可视为此类艺术品。艺术品的交易通常以上述三大类为骨架,再依作品的年代、风格、媒介和形制作细分。

如以年代为依据,西洋艺术就概分为早期大师作品(old masters)、印象派作品、现代艺术作品及战后和当代作品,而中国艺术可概分为古代、近现代和当代;论风格,光现代艺术就涵盖立体派、野兽派、达达、抽象表现主义等不同时代风格和巴黎画派、蓝骑士、灰罐等不同画派;而媒介光绘画一项就有油彩、粉彩、胶彩、蛋彩、亚克力、铅笔画等不胜枚举。

如以安迪·沃霍尔(Andy Warhol,1928~1987)的《橘色玛丽莲·梦露》(Orange Marilyn,1964)为例,一般将之归类为战后波普艺术时期的绢印作品。战后指的是它的年代,波普艺术(Pop Art)讲的是它的风格,绢印便是它的媒介。再如一件中国明代洪武年间釉里红缠枝牡丹纹玉壶春瓶,年代是明洪武年,风格是釉里红缠枝牡丹纹,而玉壶春瓶便是它的形制。

艺术市场的操作,又可概分为一级市场(primary market)和二级市场(secondary market) 。所谓一级市场就是艺术品流入市场的第一个渠道,一般指的是艺术家的经纪商。经纪商通常是画廊的经营者,透过画廊空间定期展示、销售所代理的艺术家作品。但画廊又有所谓的商业画廊(commercial gallery)和非营利画廊(not-for-profit gallery)之分。商业画廊有的经营新兴艺术家、有的只买卖己成名艺术家的作品;经营新兴艺术家的画廊通常与艺术家对分作品销售所得,而买卖较高价位且已成名艺术家作品的画廊,通常靠差价来赚取利润。

另外尚有一种私人中介(private dealer) ,没有店面或只接受预约(by appointment only)、或只对特定客户提供服务,靠居中穿线达成交易,从中赚取佣金或差价。但不管是哪个角色,皆熟谙艺术市场的动态与操作手法,有别于非营利画廊的经营——往往只能在有限的资源下,推介、展示新兴艺术家的作品,社会功能性大过市场性。



2. 世界油画至今拍卖最高价的作品是。。。价格是。。。


1.【No. 5, 1948】《第五号》
画家:波洛克 (Jackson Pollock),1948年作品

2.【Woman III】《女子 III》
画家:昆林 (Willem de Kooning),1953年作品

3.【Portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer I】《艾蒂儿画像一号》
画家:克林姆 (Gustav Klimt),1907年作品

4.【Portrait of Dr. Gachet】《嘉舍医师的画像》
画家:梵高 (Vincent van Gogh),1890年作品

5.【Bal du moulin de la Galette】《煎饼磨坊的舞会》
画家:雷诺瓦(Pierre-Auguste Renoir),1876年作品

毕加索的《拿著烟斗的男孩》(Boy with a Pipe)

3. 请教高手,这段该怎么翻译呢?



4. 请高手帮忙用英文翻译一段摘要,不要软件翻译的,谢谢

Fine quality and favorable price are essential to the sales of a product, but these alone are not enough. In reality, some products are neither inferior in quality nor weak in demand, but their sales figures are miserable because the marketing measures are too insufficient and too conservative. Marketing is an art more than a measure. In a sense, market competition is a competition of intellegence and strategy. Therefore, to make a product popular on the market and have the enterprise stand invincible, innovative marketing art must be pursued or created. By analyzing of application of "induced consumption" in the market, this article summerizes its scheming strategy in the marketing and its principle of concept forming.

Keywords: enterprise, marketing, marketing strategy, induced consumption

5. 澳洲 master of marketing 一年 能否移民?

Occupation 详细 分 
Accounting & Finance 
Accountant - Internal Auditor 详细点击 50 
Accountant 详细点击 60 
Accountant - Corporate Treasurer 详细点击 60 
Accountant - External Auditor 详细点击 60 
Actuary 详细点击 50 
Branch Accountant (Financial Institution) 详细点击 40 
Commodities Trader 详细点击 40 
Company Secretary (Corporate Compliance, Board/Shareholder Meetings) 详细点击 50 
Economist 详细点击 50 
Finance Manager 详细点击 60 
Financial Dealers and Brokers (not elsewhere classified) 详细点击 40 
Financial Institution Branch Manager 详细点击 40 
Financial Investment Adviser 详细点击 40 
Financial Market Dealer 详细点击 40 
Futures Trader 详细点击 40 
Insurance Broker 详细点击 40 
Mathematician 详细点击 50 
Statistician 详细点击 50 
Stockbroking Dealer 详细点击 40 
Electorate Officer 详细点击 50 
Office Manager 详细点击 40 
Project or Program Administrator 详细点击 40 
Agricultural Advisor 详细点击 50 
Agricultural Scientist 详细点击 50 
Environmental Research Scientist 详细点击 50 
Forester 详细点击 50 
Master Fisher 详细点击 40 
Park Ranger 详细点击 50 
Soil Scientist 详细点击 50 
Air & Sea Transport 
Pilot - Aircraft Pilot 详细点击 60 
Seafarer - Ship's Engineer 详细点击 40 
Seafarer - Ship's Master 详细点击 40 
Seafarer - Ship's Officer 详细点击 40 
Seafarer - Ship's Surveyor 详细点击 40 
Architect 详细点击 60 
Architectural Associate 详细点击 40 
Landscape Architect 详细点击 50 
Art & Design 
Fashion Designer 详细点击 50 
Graphic Designer 详细点击 50 
Illustrator 详细点击 50 
Industrial Designer 详细点击 50 
Interior Decorator 详细点击 40 
Interior Designer 详细点击 50 
Arts & Entertainment 
Conservator 详细点击 50 
Museum/Art Gallery Technician 详细点击 40 
Museum/Gallery Curator 详细点击 50 
Building & Construction 
Boat builder & Repairer 详细点击 60 
Bricklayer 详细点击 60 
Bricklayers - Supervisor 详细点击 60 
Building Associate 详细点击 40 
Building Associate Professionals (Not Elsewhere Classified) 详细点击 40 
Building Inspector 详细点击 40 
Construction Project Manager 详细点击 50 
Project Builder 详细点击 50 
Shipwright 详细点击 60 
Consulting & Business Analysis 
Management Consultant 详细点击 50 
Organisation & Methods Analyst 详细点击 50 
Policy Analyst 详细点击 50 
Quality Assurance Manager 详细点击 50 
Education & Teaching 
Art Teacher (Private) 详细点击 50 
Dance Teacher (Private) 详细点击 50 
Drama Teacher (Private) 详细点击 50 
Education Managers (not elsewhere classified) 详细点击 50 
Music Teacher (Private) 详细点击 50 
Regional Education Manager 详细点击 50 
Teacher - Education Officer 详细点击 50 
Teacher - Pre-Primary School Teacher 详细点击 60 
Teacher - Primary School Teacher 详细点击 60 
Teacher - Secondary School Teacher 详细点击 60 
Teacher - Vocational Education Teacher (Non-trades) 详细点击 50 
Teacher - Vocational Education Teacher (Trades) 详细点击 60 
Engineering & Mining 
Biomedical Engineering Associate 详细点击 40 
Civil Engineering Associate 详细点击 40 
Civil Engineering Technician 详细点击 40 
Electrical Engineering Associate 详细点击 40 
Electrical Engineering Technician 详细点击 40 
Electronic Engineering Associate 详细点击 40 
Electronic Engineering Technician 详细点击 40 
Engineer - Aeronautical Engineer 详细点击 60 
Engineer - Agricultural Engineer 详细点击 60 
Engineer - Biomedical Engineer 详细点击 60 
Engineer - Building & Engineering Professionals (Not Elsewhere Classified) 详细点击 60 
Engineer - Chemical Engineer 详细点击 60 
Engineer - Civil Engineer 详细点击 60 
Engineer - Civil Engineering Technologist 详细点击 60 
Engineer - Electrical Engineer 详细点击 60 
Engineer - Electrical or Electronics Engineering Technologist 详细点击 60 
Engineer - Electronics Engineer 详细点击 60 
Engineer - Engineering Technologists (not elsewhere classified) 详细点击 60 
Engineer - Industrial Engineer 详细点击 60 
Engineer - Materials Engineer 详细点击 60 
Engineer - Mechanical Engineer 详细点击 60 
Engineer - Mechanical Engineering Technologist 详细点击 60 
Engineer - Mining Engineer (excluding Petroleum) 详细点击 60 
Engineer - Naval Architect 详细点击 60 
Engineer - Petroleum Engineer 详细点击 60 
Engineer - Production or Plant Engineer 详细点击 60 
Engineering Associate Professionals (Not Elsewhere Classified) 详细点击 40 
Engineering Manager 详细点击 60 
Extractive Metallurgist 详细点击 50 
Mechanical Engineering Associate 详细点击 40 
Mechanical Engineering Technician 详细点击 40 
Mine Deputy 详细点击 40 
Production Manager (Mining) 详细点击 50 
Environment, Parks and Land Care Manager 详细点击 50 
Environmental Health Officer 详细点击 50 
Health & Medical Services 
Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Health Worker 详细点击 40 
Acupuncturist 详细点击 50 
Ambulance Officer 详细点击 40 
Anatomist/Physiologist 详细点击 50 
Audiologist 详细点击 50 
Chemist 详细点击 50 
Chiropractor 详细点击 60 
Dental Hygienist 详细点击 40 
Dental Specialist 详细点击 60 
Dental Technician 详细点击 60 
Dental Therapist 详细点击 40 
Dentist 详细点击 60 
Dietitian 详细点击 60 
Director of Nursing 详细点击 60 
Disabilities Services Officer 详细点击 40 
Health Information Manager 详细点击 50 
Intensive Care Ambulance Paramedic 详细点击 40 
Massage Therapist 详细点击 40 
Medical Administrator 详细点击 50 
Medical Practitioner - Anaesthetist 详细点击 60 
Medical Practitioner - Dermatologist 详细点击 60 
Medical Practitioner - Emergency Medicine Specialist 详细点击 60 
Medical Practitioner - General Medical Practitioner 详细点击 60 
Medical Practitioner - Obstetrician and Gynaecologist 详细点击 60 
Medical Practitioner - Ophthalmologist 详细点击 60 
Medical Practitioner - Paediatrician 详细点击 60 
Medical Practitioner - Pathologist 详细点击 60 
Medical Practitioner - Psychiatrist 详细点击 60 
Medical Practitioner - Radiologist 详细点击 60 
Medical Practitioner - Specialist Medical Practitioners (not elsewhere classified) 详细点击 60 
Medical Practitioner - Specialist Physician 详细点击 60 
Medical Practitioner - Surgeon 详细点击 60 
Naturopath 详细点击 50 
Nurse - Registered Developmental Disability Nurse 详细点击 60 
Nurse - Registered Mental Health Nurse 详细点击 60 
Nurse - Registered Midwife 详细点击 60 
Nurse - Registered Nurse 详细点击 60 
Occupational Health & Safety Officer 详细点击 50 
Occupational Therapist 详细点击 60 
Optometrist 详细点击 60 
Orthoptist 详细点击 50 
Orthotist 详细点击 50 
Osteopath 详细点击 60 
Pharmacist - Hospital Pharmacist 详细点击 60 
Pharmacist - Retail Pharmacist 详细点击 60 
Physiotherapist 详细点击 60 
Podiatrist 详细点击 60 
Psychologist - Clinical Psychologist 详细点击 60 
Psychologist - Educational Psychologist 详细点击 60 
Psychologist - Organisational Psychologist 详细点击 60 
Psychologist - Psychologists (not elsewhere classified) 详细点击 60 
Radiographer - Medical Diagnostic Radiographer 详细点击 60 
Radiographer - Nuclear Medicine Technologist 详细点击 60 
Radiographer - Radiation Therapist 详细点击 60 
Radiographer - Sonographer 详细点击 60 
Hospitality & Tourism 
Hotel/Motel Manager (Degree Level) 详细点击 50 
Hotel/Motel Manager (Diploma Level) 详细点击 40 
Human Resources/Personnel 
Careers Counsellor 详细点击 50 
Human Resource Manager (min. 5 years senior management experience) 详细点击 60 
Industrial Relations Officer 详细点击 50 
Personnel Consultant 详细点击 50 
Personnel Officer 详细点击 50 
Training Officer 详细点击 50 
Information Services 
Archivist 详细点击 50 
Business & Information Professionals (Not Elsewhere Classified) 详细点击 50 
Historian 详细点击 50 
Librarian 详细点击 50 
Library Technician 详细点击 40 
Records Manager 详细点击 50 
Information Technology/Computing 
Computing Professionals - Applications and Analyst Programmer 详细点击 60 
Computing Professionals - Computer Systems Auditor 详细点击 60 
Computing Professionals - Computing Professionals (not elsewhere classified) 详细点击 60 
Computing Professionals - Software Designer 详细点击 60 
Computing Professionals - Systems Designer 详细点击 60 
Computing Professionals - Systems Manager 详细点击 60 
Computing Professionals - Systems Programmer 详细点击 60 
Computing Support Technician 详细点击 40 
Information Technology Manager 详细点击 60 
Legal & Compliance 
Intelligence Officer 详细点击 50 
Legal Practitioner - Barrister 详细点击 60 
Legal Practitioner - Solicitor 详细点击 60 
Patents Examiner 详细点击 50 
Safety Inspector 详细点击 40 
General Manager (min. 5 years senior management experience) 详细点击 60 
Policy And Planning Manager 详细点击 50 
Urban and Regional Planner 详细点击 50 
Oenologist (Wine Maker) 详细点击 50 
Primary Products Inspector 详细点击 40 
Production Manager (Manufacturing) 详细点击 50 
Supply and Distribution Manager (min. 5 years senior management experience) 详细点击 60 
Copywriter 详细点击 50 
Editor 详细点击 50 
Journalists & Related Professionals (Not Elsewhere Classified) 详细点击 50 
Print Journalist 详细点击 50 
Radio Journalist 详细点击 50 
Technical Writer 详细点击 50 
Television Journalist 详细点击 50 
Property & Real Estate 
Property Manager 详细点击 40 
Real Estate Agency Manager 详细点击 40 
Real Estate Salesperson 详细点击 40 
Advertising Specialist 详细点击 50 
Market Research Analyst 详细点击 50 
Marketing Specialist 详细点击 50 
Public Relations Officer 详细点击 50 
Sales And Marketing Manager (min. 5 years senior management experience) 详细点击 60 
Sales Representative (Industrial Products) 详细点击 50 
Sales Representative (Information and Communication Products) 详细点击 50 
Sales Representative (Medical and Pharmaceutical Products) 详细点击 50 
Sales Representative - Technical (Not Elsewhere Classified) 详细点击 50 
Science & Research 
Biochemist 详细点击 50 
Botanist 详细点击 50 
Chemistry Technical Officer 详细点击 40 
Geologist 详细点击 50 
Geophysicist 详细点击 50 
Industrial Pharmacist 详细点击 50 
Laboratory Manager 详细点击 50 
Life Scientist (Not Elsewhere Classified) 详细点击 50 
Marine Biologist 详细点击 50 
Materials Scientist 详细点击 50 
Medical Laboratory Technical Officer 详细点击 40 
Medical Scientist 详细点击 60 
Metallurgical and Materials Technician 详细点击 40 
Meteorologist 详细点击 50 
Natural & Physical Science Professionals (Not Elsewhere Classified) 详细点击 50 
Physical Metallurgist 详细点击 50 
Physicist 详细点击 50 
Research and Development Manager 详细点击 50 
Social Professionals (Not Elsewhere Classified) 详细点击 50 
Veterinarian 详细点击 60 
Zoologist 详细点击 50 
Social & Community Services 
Child Care Co-ordinator 详细点击 50 
Community Worker 详细点击 50 
Counsellors (not elsewhere classified) 详细点击 50 
Drug and Alcohol Counsellor 详细点击 50 
Family Counsellor 详细点击 50 
Family Support Worker 详细点击 40 
Parole or Probation Officer 详细点击 40 
Rehabilitation Counsellor 详细点击 50 
Residential Care Officer 详细点击 40 
Social Worker 详细点击 60 
Speech Pathologist 详细点击 60 
Welfare Centre Manager 详细点击 50 
Welfare Worker 详细点击 60 
Youth Worker 详细点击 40 
Sports & Recreation 
Recreation Officer 详细点击 50 
Sports Administrator 详细点击 50 
Surveying & Valuing 
Building Surveyor 详细点击 50 
Cartographer 详细点击 50 
Land Economist 详细点击 50 
Quantity Surveyor 详细点击 60 
Surveying & Cartographic Associate 详细点击 40 
Surveyor 详细点击 60 
Valuer 详细点击 50 
Trades - Aircraft Maintenance 
Aircraft Maintenance Engineer (Avionics) 详细点击 60 
Aircraft Maintenance Engineer (Mechanical) 详细点击 60 
Aircraft Maintenance Engineer (Structures) 详细点击 60 
Aircraft Maintenance Engineers - Supervisor 详细点击 60 
Trades - Automotive 
Diesel Fuel Injection Technicians 详细点击 60 
Motor Mechanic 详细点击 60 
Motor Mechanics - Supervisor 详细点击 60 
Panel Beater 详细点击 60 
Panel Beaters - Supervisor 详细点击 60 
Vehicle - Painter 详细点击 60 
Vehicle Body Maker 详细点击 60 
Vehicle Body Makers - Supervisor 详细点击 60 
Vehicle Painters - Supervisor 详细点击 60 
Vehicle Trimmer 详细点击 60 
Vehicle Trimmers - Supervisor 详

澳洲 master of marketing 一年 能否移民?


但是暹粒的市场也有价格之分,ART MARKET最漂亮,夜景很美,东西的品质相对好一些,种类也丰富,但是价格没有太大优势

7. 比较Primary research(初步研究)和secondary research(次要研究)的优缺点

Primary research(初步研究)
搜集调查初级数据的过程就是Primary research(初步研究)
secondary research(次要研究)
先了解什么是 二次数据:
(1) 易访问性
(2) 收购成本低
(3) 可能有助于澄清研究问题
(4) 可以回答研究问题
(5) 可能在进行初步研究时出现困难

比较Primary research(初步研究)和secondary research(次要研究)的优缺点

8. 求关于美术教育方面的英语文章(最好注明出处)



    含有大约 100 名艺术家的作品,他们代表主要的展览、艺术媒体、收藏和最主要的拍卖。在某种程度上,这个群体的组成是由处于基础阶段的人群临时或重新组成的。 20 多年前,主流艺术只限于绘画和雕塑,现在摄影、影视的装饰作品也被认同,处于相同的地位。在市场上,他们占据着一些存在异议高价位的作品,通常有以惊人的速度发展壮大。尝试市场运作并不是以作品质量为基础的,还有许多其他因素,这个时期,生活在中国的艺术家没有一个可以稳步的进入这个市场阶段,一小部分生活在国外的中国艺术家已经处于进入高级阶段的边缘。




    他们参加 99 年威尼斯的展览会,了解国际艺术市场情况,无可置疑,他们了解这一现象不是暂时的。一些人仔细审视进入这个领域并开始注意收集满足于他们标准的艺术家 -- 有潜力的进入全球主流艺术领域的艺术家。这对于以后进一步进入这个阶段的艺术市场是非常重要的,他们沿着次要的艺术领域,然后进入国际拍卖市场。对国外收藏者来说面临着这样一个严肃的问题:相似地位的西方艺术家的作品与之相匹配的高价位。 


The positioning of Chinese contemporary artworks in the international art market (outline)  

The international art market consists of a top segment (global mainstream art) and several base segments feeding into this global mainstream art (with specific characteristics such as video art, multimedia art, or Chinese art and Latin American art etc.).It is crucial to understand the mechanics of this international art market system for Chinese market players to succeed, be they artists, gallerists, auction houses, collecting institutions or individuals, or authorities facilitating or hindering this endevour.

The top segment (global mainstream art) is made up of the works of a group of around 100 artists. They are continuously represented in the major exhibitions, artmedia, collections and ultimately auctions. The group composition is somewhat fluid and reconstitutes itself with infeed from the base segments. Till 20 years ago restricted to painting and sculpture, photo-,video- and installation works have now reached similar status. They command with a few exceptions the highest prices in the markets, with usually breathtaking rate of increase. The market taste is not driven by quality only, but by a number of factors. At this stage no artist living in China has made a stable entry into this market segment. A small group of Chinese artists living abroad has entered it at the periphery.

What are the factors driving this market segment? It is a mix of quality, strategy chosen by the gallerist and/or artist, fashion, curator- and media attention and in particular being part of one of the networks driving the process. Some artists living in China are at the doorsill to this segment.

Looking at the segment Chinese art, meaning art works made by artists living in China , international demand now takes on a different dimension: In the past it has been a territory mainly for a few specialised collectors and spontaneous buyers from outside Asia . Today we see new entrants such as Chinese collectors, Asian collectors, and in particular the sophisticated collectors of global mainstream art taking a closer look. They have determined that the exposure in an international art context to a broad public as in Venice 99 and subsequent comparable venues is not a temporary phenomenon but here to stay. Some will after careful examination enter the field and start to collect artists that satisfy their criteria – having the potential to enter the global mainstream art segment. They will be very important to take this segment of the art market one step further. They will pave the way for a secondary art market and the subsequent entry of international auction houses. High pricing in comparison to peer works from Western artists of similar ranking is becoming a serious issue for international collectors.

Never have the conditions for success in the international art market for contemporary art from China been better. Yet succeeding will definitely require more strategic thinking from all players in the contemporary Chinese art scene