扣工资的英语翻译 扣工资用英语怎么说


1. 扣工资的英语翻译 扣工资用英语怎么说


deduct wages更多释义>>

扣工资  docking;deduct wages;garnished wages
房子扣工资  house saiad
被扣工资  hold back pay


扣工资的英语翻译 扣工资用英语怎么说

2. 英文翻译你们已经从我的银行卡上扣款了

你们已经从我的银行卡上扣款了。You have from my bank card chargeback.
You have to charge on my bank card.
What do you want from me?

3. 扣货的英文

 We have no duty to undertake the lost during shipping . but we will help to claim the lost for you  我们不承担货运公司有运送途中造成的:货物损坏,遗失,海关 扣货 等责任。但一定会尽量为客户争取索赔。 
  The enacting of maritime procedure law has further improved the arrest system of seagoing ships and epminated some weaknesses in the legislation of the attachment of the cargo  《中华人民共和国海事诉讼特别程序法》 (以下简称: 《海诉法》 )的出台进一步完善了扣船制度,并改变了 扣货 制度立法的薄弱状况。 
  Goods arrives now indian guest there , but go when them pick up the goods when , custom deducts money , the amount that goes up because of amount and bill of lading namely is incorrect , the amount that actual amount wants to pare bill of lading is much 14 box came out  现在货到印度客人那边了,但是当他们去提货的时候,海关 扣货 了,就是因为数量和提单上的数量不对,实际的数量要比提单的数量多14箱出来了。 
