

1. question

[原创]-冀教英语Learning about tag questions

[原创]-冀教英语Learning about tag questions冀教网,冀教高 2009 49号[原创]-冀教英语Learning about tag questions

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冀教版八年级英语Learning about tag questions

......Learning about tag questions 2.They are pictures ,aren,t they? 3.You live in a small town ,don,t you ? 4.Lingming makes lots of friends,doesn,t he ? 5.Bec ...冀教版八年级数学,冀教版八年级英语......Learning about tag questions 2.They are pictures ,aren,t they? 3.You live in a small town ,don,t you ? 4.Lingming makes lots of friends,doesn,t he ? 5.Bec ...




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2. question


3. Question?

  更新1:  Sorry ! I have other questions to ask : 蒲公英  椰子  桃  木棉  宫粉羊蹄甲  鬼针草  黐头婆和松  那三种是透过风力传播种子  那三种是透过动物传播种子  那一种是透过水力传播种子和那一种是透过自力传播种子? THANK YOU VERY MUCH !
   照过来,照过来!别看我小小的不起眼,我是草本植物,芳名叫做「鬼针草」。小朋友喜欢把我未成熟的果实当飞镖射来射去。但是,先警告你喔!千万别去沾惹我完全成熟的果实,否则可有你受的了!你或许有这样子的经验:经过我的身边,常常不小心就黏了一身的鬼针,要拔上老半天,才拔得完。或许你会气得恶狠狠的把我连根拔起,但是过不了几天,发觉附近的泥土居然又冒出了许多幼苗,正因为鬼针草有这样高的繁殖力,所以在台湾才会随处可见啊! ◎鬼针草成熟的瘦果,大家可是很怕它的哩!   ◎我是生命力超强的鬼针草 ^_^ 我的名字当然与我那颇有特色的种子有关,但是我也有另外的别称---「虾箝草」〈台语为「恰查某」〉。为何被人说是恰查某呢?因为菊科种子的传播方式有两种,一种是种子上会产生冠毛,譬如昭和草,风一吹种子就像降落伞飞走了,而鬼针草是靠动物传播的,在它的果实上有两个很尖的尖刺,用显微镜观察可以发现,尖刺的上面有倒勾刺,有动物经过就会被黏附在身上。因此当人从它旁边经过时,裤管就会插满了它的种子,即使只是轻轻的碰一下,也无法避免鬼针草的纠缠,简直是很霸道、很「恰」的,所以就被称为恰查某。你觉得这样的称呼,对女生是不是很不公平呀!因为女生们,可是很温柔可爱的呢! ◎鬼针草的花小巧可爱。 ◎雨后的操场边,鬼针草茂盛的生长。                         鬼针草的生命力超强,四季都开花,因为它的花粉量大,繁殖很快,而且果实上有倒钩,只要动物经过,就趁机「附身」,然后跟着快快乐乐地去闯天下,所以在整个台湾的平地上,到处都有它的踪迹。鬼针草的叶为羽状复叶,叶缘全裂开,具有很粗的锯齿状边缘。花集聚生长,花瓣为舌状花(真的跟舌头有点像喔!),中央为黄色的筒状花,果实是黑褐色的,具有钩刺可附着人畜传布。它还有另一位兄弟,叫做「咸丰草」,也有同样会黏人的瘦果,不过它的舌状花是白色的,鬼针草则是黄色的,很容易区别。   观察重点: 1.一年生草本植物,小枝略呈方型,绿色。 2.叶对生,羽状复叶,叶缘全裂开,具有很粗的锯齿状边缘。 3.四季都会开花,花瓣为舌状花,中央为黄色的筒状花。 4.瘦果黑褐色,具有钩刺可附着人畜传布。 黐头婆是透过动物传播,此类植物的种子或果实常具有好蚩或有特殊吸附植物的方法,由动物的食用后丢弃或排泄,或动物的皮毛、衣物沾黏造成的不适走到一处拨下除去而传播 所以鬼针草and黐头婆边都不是透自力传播种子...  鬼针草:先端的宿存萼具有倒刺,藉以附着人畜而散播。 黐头婆:藉以附着人畜而散播 蒲公英:是透过风力传播种子 木棉:当果实成熟时,其果实自动裂开,棉絮随风飘散 椰子:是透过水力传播种子 桃:用芽接或切接法 松繁殖方法:种子繁殖,扦插,压条. 宫粉羊蹄甲:种子繁殖﹐萌芽力强  鬼针草and黐头婆都不是自力传播种子的,它们都是动物传播的,此类植物的种子或果实常具有好蚩或有特殊吸附植物的方法,由动物的食用后丢弃或排泄,或动物的皮毛、衣物沾黏造成的不适走到一处拨下除去而传播,例如各种好吃的水果就是藉著被吃而传播;鬼针草、羊带来(苍耳/黐头婆)则是动物传播中的黏附方式。   


4. question ?

  更新1:  另外 : Can you see the airplane above the castle ? 你能看到城堡上面的那架飞机 ? Can you see the castle behind the airplane ? 你能看到那架飞机下面的城堡 ? 如果我要问 : 你能看到那架飞机o系城堡上面    系咪一定要咁写 : Can you see what the airplane is above the castle ?
    更新2:  打错左                        系 hadn' t been able to sleep              或 had been unable to sleep                 
   1 ) 为甚么 could not sleep 不写成 had been able to sleep ? 因为后面 had got out of bed 是过去完成式    她不能入睡 ( 先 )    离开床 ( 后 )    Could not sleep   just a simple past tense   it is not focused in the sentence. similar to "I cannot sleep   I have been awake". 她不能入睡    happens all the time   in the past   no need to describe the 先 or 后. The sentence focuses on ... had got out of bed    that is the importance ... During the full time of "could not go to sleep"   she had been out of the bed because of it. 2 ) 她坐在窗旁的时间是否11点 ? NO   it must be after 11   since she slept on 11   and she found herself she could not sleep on the bed   ... so time moved on ... like 11:20pm   she finally got out of the bed ... and continued to sit next to the window for a long time ... like until 3:00am ... As an English speaker   I offer you some mon usage : 你能看到城堡上面的那架飞机 ? Can you see the plane flying above/over the castle ? 你能看到那架飞机下面的城堡 ? Can you see the castle underneath that flying plane ? 你能看到那架飞机o系城堡上面 ? Can you see that plane flying above the castle ?   

5. question....

  更新1:  2.what is your opinion on allowance
    更新2:  allowance=零用钱 请用in line with作句
   in line with 中文意思:adv.符合 英文意思:to conform to; to tally with; to wer to; to fit in with allowance 有好多种,你指既系边种? 2007-08-28 13:50:41 补充: 我以为你讲的allowance是指津贴,佢有两个用法^^2.what is your opinion on allowance I thought to give childen a right amount of allowance  can make them to learn to manage finances.我认为给予孩子适量的零用钱,能令他们学会理财。请用in line with作句 Every student is required to in line with his behavior to the rules.   


6. cosθ question

  更新1:  2. must the angle θis the *** allest angle in a triangle?
   (1) Angle x ( instead of using theta) is the angle in a triangle that you want to calculate   it is you ( or the question) to decide which angle in a triangle is x. (2) Once x is decided   the sides on both sides of x will be either the adjacent side or the hypotenuse. (3) The remaining side ( or the side opposite to angle x) is called the opposite side. So side and angle are not decided by its magnitude   it is decided by you.  Opposite side of θ need not to be the shortest side in a triangle. Angle θ need not to be the *** allest angle in a triangle. Try θ= 60. 2009-05-04 05:10:05 补充: Try θ= 60°   

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8. Question
